Oh hello there. Long, long along, when I was a publishing plebe, I began blogging as ktbuffy in an attempt to say in public those things I was unable to say under my own name. Over the years, these posts have been a repository of my interests, from travel, music, books, shopping, photography, pop culture, and a million other things. So who am I? A geek, a shoe aficionado, a wife, a mom, a stepmom to a teenager, a friend, a daughter, a sister, an ally, a writer (infrequently of late), a gamer, a horseback rider, a dog lover, an avid observer of pop culture. Despite my already living in several other places on the internet, I had a recent yen to update this page, so that if you want to find me, this is a simple, singular place to do so. You’ll find links above to my Facebook page, Instagram account, website for my literary agency, as well as my photography business, and more. Want to know something else? I’m an open book! Send me a message!