#TBT – Daddy

My Daddy died twenty-five years ago today, and though I’ve only had one parent for far longer than I had two, it’s a gaping dad-shaped hole that still hurts, you know? Though I have boxes and boxes and albums and albums of photos, unfortunately, I have more pictures of a wedding ceremony I staged between my Barbie dolls than I have pictures of my dad, or even more rare pictures of me and my dad. This is all I have.

My favorite picture of me, my dad, and his mustache.  First day of kindergarten.
My favorite picture of me, my dad, and his mustache. First day of kindergarten.
Getting the side eye from my dad at my cousin's wedding
Getting the side eye from my dad at my cousin’s wedding
Floating in the ocean (or Long Island Sound, most likely), with Dad keeping an eye on me
Floating in the ocean (or Long Island Sound, most likely), with Dad keeping an eye on me
The whole family at my cousin's wedding -- the first family wedding I remember going to.
The whole family at my cousin’s wedding — the first family wedding I remember going to.
Wee Kate in Daddy's arms, with our whole family and some friends
Wee Kate in Daddy’s arms, with our whole family and some friends
Judging by the candles on the cake, my fourth birthday. 1977.
Judging by the candles on the cake, my fourth birthday. 1977.
With Mom and Dad, age 5, maybe? 1978?
With Mom and Dad, age 5, maybe? 1978?
In my early days of playing with cameras. Dad in the den, 1983.
In my early days of playing with cameras. Dad in the den, 1983.
And one from my cousin Liz, Dad and teenage me. I kept that crazy blazer for years.
And one from my cousin Liz, Dad and teenage me. I kept that crazy blazer for years.

I miss you, Daddy. I wish you could have met your grandkids. They’re awesome.

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36 Thoughts to “#TBT – Daddy”

  1. Trish

    So lovely, Kate.

  2. Lisa O'Donnell

    Kate, you have to know he is with you every day !! As I know mine is with me… his spirit is so alive in you and your entire family. Wish I could give you a hug and make the hurt go away. Peace, Lisa O’Donnell (Prez)

  3. SO wonderful to get to know your dad here. thinking of you. xoxo

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