A Batman Story





So I’m watching this voice acting documentary on Netflix, “I Know That Voice,” and it’s really good anyway and y’all should watch it.

But they have Kevin Conroy on and they’re into a section about being recognized out in public and Conroy tells this story.

He lives in NYC apparently, and after the 9/11 attacks he helped out making meals for people (in a soup kitchen type thing, I’m gathering).

So one day one guy comes up to him and says, “You know I’m a construction worker in my day job.  What do you do?”

And Conroy tells him that he does voice acting.

And the guy gets all excited, like, “I knew it!  You’re that Kevin Conroy, you’re Batman!”

And the guy went out into the dining area and just announced to all of the people there, “You know who’s been cooking your dinner?  Batman.”

The room went completely quiet and eventually some guy at the far end of the room called out, “Bullshit!  Make him prove it!”

So Kevin fucking Conroy just stood in the fucking kitchen and did the, “I am vengeance.  I am the night!  I am Batman!” line.

And the guy was like, “Holy shit it IS Batman!” and everyone cheered.

And the guy who originally approached Conroy came back to him to tell him, “How does it feel to be Santa Claus?  ‘Cause that’s what you just did.”

And that’s one of the best Batman stories I’ve ever heard.

This is the batmaniest thing to ever batman.

In Gotham fucking city, too. <3

A long time ago, back when I too lived in Gotham, my best friend was helping write and edit a memoir by the same Kevin Conroy. I was an assistant at a literary agency, trying to get promoted, and so after reading the memoir, I took them to lunch at a nearby restaurant in a converted church on Park Avenue. As we ate fancy salads, sandwiches, and gourmet versions of Hostess cupcakes, all I could think about was calling my boyfriend later and telling him I had lunch with Batman. When my kids are a little older, I look forward to blowing their minds with it as well.

Side note: he is pretty much the nicest guy, with some of the best, craziest stories about his drama school roommates.

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