A Little Superhero Fic I Liked


I’m pretty sure I ship Jimmy and Kyle now, thanks to you. I love it, it is a good and beautiful thing. I wonder how Jimmy would take it, finding out he’s dating a Greem Lantern… Probably very well xD.


“Kyle?” Jimmy Olsen stared, incredulous, at his long-distance boyfriend. Who was standing outside of his apartment. Which was a short distance. His dog sniffed cautiously at Kyle’s shoes. “What are you doing here?”

“I — I wanted to come see you, you were the first person I wanted to see,” Kyle said, and he sounded a little out of breath. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah, of course.” Jimmy stood out of the way so that Kyle could walk past him, shut the door behind him. Kay trotted after Kyle on stumpy little legs. Jimmy wasn’t thrilled that he hadn’t been given a chance to clean his apartment, but it wasn’t like he was unhappy to see his boyfriend. “You weren’t supposed to be out here until November, what happened?”

“That’s the thing, I flew.” Kyle ignored the fluffy sausage trying to climb his leg.

“Well, yeah, I didn’t think you’d walked.”

“No, I mean I flew. Like, really flew. Like Superman. Or Wonder Woman.” The dog gave up, and climbed onto the coffee table to jump on the couch. It watched them both reproachfully.

“Wait, what?” Jimmy frowned. “Why would you be able to fly? You don’t have powers.”

“I got a — here, I’ll just, um.” Kyle looked down at himself. “Do I really need to do the whole — I just want to show my boyfriend, I shouldn’t have to do the whole thing.”

Jimmy was beginning to feel worried. More worried than he’d already been. “What whole thing?”

Kyle sighed. “Inbrightestdayinblackestnightnoevilshallescapemysightletthosewhoworshipevil’smightbewaremypowergreenlantern’slight,” he said, all in on great woosh of breath much quieter than it was meant to have been. Then green light wrapped around him, and—

“Holy shit,” Jimmy said. On the couch, Kay had covered his eyes with his paws.

“Right?” Kyle said.

“You’re Green Lantern?”

“I guess?” Kyle said with a helpless spread of his hands.

Jimmy frowned. “You guess?”

“I don’t know! Today has been weird! There was a ring, and a guy with a silly moustache, and he broke my Cintiq and I kind of lost my shit at that point, and actually I’m still not over that and the flying is great but I don’t think being a Green Lantern pays well—”

Kay barked. Jimmy put his hands on Kyle’s shoulders. “Kyle. Calm down.”

“I’m calm!” He was not calm.

“Your costume looks really cool,” Jimmy said in an attempt to distract him.

“Does it?” He looked down at himself again. “I know I’m always falling back on the boots but I think they’re a really good look.”

“They are.”

“The mask isn’t too much? I’d tone it down but I think the ring just kind of does what it knows I want. Even when it’s a bit much, probably, because everyone else just does the little domino mask and this is just like—”

Jimmy cut him off by kissing his cheek. “Kyle. You look great.”

Kyle ran a hand through his hair. “Thanks.”

“And it’s not like we’ve ever seen the other Green Lanterns put the costume on. For all we know, they all do the Sailor Moon ribbon thing.”

Kyle started to turn red. He crossed his arms over his chest. “It did that on its own,” he muttered.

“I believe you.”

“I wanted something much cooler.”

“It’s still pretty cool.”

“It’s an iconic transformation sequence.”

“I haven’t seen you in months,” Jimmy reminded him. “Were you planning to just stand here looking hot, or…?”

“I didn’t really have a plan,” Kyle admitted.

“It just seems like it’s been ten minutes and you haven’t kissed me yet.”

“Oh! Well, I mean — should I take the costume off?”

Jimmy opened his mouth, then shut it again. He tapped his chin thoughtfully. “You know,” he said, “how about you just leave it for now and we see how it goes.”

I ship it.

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