My Tattooed Lady

IMG_3556_May.jpgI shared this post from my favorite temporary tattoo site the other day, and since then, as we headed into hardcore potty training with Zoe, we’ve been using this method. And it’s working!! Zoe is much more eager to go potty when she gets a reward, and by not using candy or sugary treats, but something tangible that she can show off, she’s excited to tell all her friends and teachers about it. And the more she goes, the more tats she gets: Bears in superhero masks, clouds with hairdryers, love bats, dragons, and all sorts of other cute pics. We’ve already had to limit it to one tattoo per school day, no matter how many times she goes, and one for each time she goes at home, and while we’ll never run out of tattoos, we may run out of skin space!


But Zoe loves it, and it’s working. And I can’t wait to show her off to Grandma at the Jersey Shore this weekend!

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