P52: Week 4 — My Favorite Things

I’m late, late, late again, but with Sean’s 5th birthday party this past weekend, it’s been a little hectic around here. Well, more hectic than usual. But in thinking of a shot of “My Favorite Things” as per this week’s theme, I didn’t get my act together to set up a still life with my favorite handbag or shoes or books (if you want that, go here), so I picked this shot from Sean’s birthday party.

Yes, he’s my favorite. Don’t tell Zoe!

Ok, that’s not entirely true, but I was pregnant with him when I first picked up a DSLR, and as a baby, he was far and away my favorite subject to shoot. He just turned five, and according to Lightroom, I’ve taken more than 14,000 photos of him!! So this shot, at his birthday party, with his favorite superhero Batman in his hands, is an apt choice for “My Favorite.”

P52: Week 4 -- My Favorite Thing

Edited to add Kaylee’s Picture!She thought about this one for week’s, and finally decided on her favorite villain, Harley Quinn (also her Halloween costume). At first, she took a picture of her Harley mouse pad, but I encouraged her to try for something a little less flat, and she decided on this. Her favorite villain, hammer, and part of her Halloween costume!

Kaylee's P52: Week 4 -- My Favorite Things

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