List of Great DC fics


Do u have any suggestions for good DC fics? (I already read all of yours lol) any time I look it up all I get is weird batmanxrobin fics




Augh that’s horrifying. Maybe some followers can share recs? The only one I can really think of is Escape Artistry and that one is literally twelve years old. I… don’t actually read a lot of fanfic. :c

The Last Temptation of Alfred –

Hilarious, by the same writer who did Escape Artistry. Short.

New Year’s Kiss –

Short. Also has Alfred, with additional Cassandra Cain. Also by same writer who did Escape Artistry.

Wally West versus the Chicken Salad of Doom –

Um, hm. Justice League plus a little bit of masturbation? Might not be your thing. Also by writer who did Escape Artistry. Seriously anything by him is gold.

Fathers and Daughters –

Old Jim Gordon meets new Batgirl (Cassandra Cain).

Trials and Tribulations –

Young Justice, very hilarious, de-aging fic. Traincat is also pretty good writer of DC stuff, but they aren’t doing that any more.

Nobody’s Child –

Young Justice. First season, Superman can’t deal with the existence of Superboy. Before the second season arrived, this was the reconciliation fic to read. Also involves de-aging. BTW, Young Justice Batman is one of the more understanding versions of Batman. I can see him developing out of the Unpretty Verse easily.

Exactly How This Grace Thing Works –

Dick Grayson gets de-aged. Featuring ALL the Robins and Gruff Batman Who Isn’t That Fluffy, so more comics continuity than I like, but still OK. No orgies or under age stuff.

I basically do weekly searches for fic, new and old, that feature relatively healthy DC dynamics, focusing on Young Justice and Justice League (so Superman and Batman included). You can look at my bookmarks (which have way more links; 26 currently I think); I’m elemeeple on Ao3.

Thank you for this! It’s exactly the kind of list I was hoping for :3

Making a note!

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