Big Day!

So we’re just about ready to go from this:IMG_1625

to this:brown-bear-cub-on-the-tree

Heading to the hospital tonight to nudge the little bearcub along.

If you’re someone that isn’t already on our promise-to-text list and want up-to-the-minute (within reason, of course) updates, you can follow me or Doyce on Twitter at @DaphneUn and @doycet, respectively. You can also friend us on Facebook if you haven’t already.

When next I post, hopefully it will be with fun new pictures of the little one!

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3 Thoughts to “Big Day!”

  1. Good luck! I’ll be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Thinking of you! (and Doyce, but mostly you because, you know, he doesn’t have much to do).

  3. Teresa

    Blessings to you all! You will be in our thoughts and prayers as well!

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