P52: Week 19 — Architecture

I’m in the midst of a house move, and made a last minute trip to NY last week to surprise my mom on Mother’s Day, so I’m a wee bit late with this. In any case, here was the assignment:

Architecture, of course, does mean buildings, from commercial to residential. It also means a host of other things. Bridges? Yes. Umbrellas? Yes. So, then, how do we define “architectural photography”? The photographing of buildings and similar structures that are both aesthetically pleasing and accurate representations of their subjects. Rather have the Jess-planation? Basically, any man-made structure. Besides those examples, don’t rule out interiors and details.

I have my photo of the week below, but first I wanted to share some of my favorite past photos of architectural subjects.


And this week’s winner, a snowy Mother’s Day on my back deck.

P52: Week 19 -- Architecture

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