P52: Week 34 — Disgust

Ok, I’m back on schedule this week! And giving you a break from pictures of the munchkins for something disgusting. Well, cool, I think, but also disgusting.

If you have a basement in your house, you probably are familiar with window wells. And you probably know that sometimes, things get into window wells that need help to get out. I’ve rescued bunnies before, but alas, this guy didn’t get rescued. From the decay, I think he probably fell in the well before we bought the house, so I’ve absolved myself of some responsibility for his death. And I have to admit, I think the little skull is kinda cool.

So this week’s picture, for the theme of disgust, is a dead bunny. At least, I think it’s a bunny. Putting it below a cut if that sort of thing bothers you.

P52: Week 34 -- Disgust

And a bonus picture with a better, closer look at the skull.

Disgust, v2

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