P52: Week 13 — Anonymous Portrait

Oooh, this was a fun one!! From the assignment:

Some of my favourite images of people are ones where you can’t see the subject’s face or even identify the subject. The subject may have their face turned away from the camera or is covered or obscured in some way. Anonymous portraits can be very impactful, drawing the viewer in with its sense of mystery or by focusing on details other than the face, such as hands or curly hair. Light can play a big role in creating an anonymous portrait. Backlighting your subject can put them into silhouette or you can use light flare to cover identifying characteristics. Shooting through objects, like curtains for example, is another idea.

As you know, I was at WonderCon this past weekend, and between panels with my authors or myself speaking, I got the chance to do a ton of cosplay photography. I mean, where else do we get the opportunity to photograph superheroes? And masks, I find, are a great way to be somewhat anonymous, even if everyone can recognize your outfit. So I’m delighted to share Batgirl.

P52: Week 13 -- Anonymous Portrait

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