P52: Week 49 — Sunday Morning

Our assignment this week was a little fun and specific — document some part of your Sunday morning. I decided to go with a Day in the Life documentary collage.

P52: Week 49 -- Sunday Morning

My girl woke me up before 6am with a stinky butt (she’s all but potty trained, but wears a pull-up at night). Surprised it was still dark out, she nonetheless wanted to read a story and check out the Christmas tree (no ornaments yet, just lights) before breakfast. After breakfast, we went down to the basement to play on her “raft” with the puppies, then watched a little tv while Momma read the CM forums. By then, my son was up, and wandered down to watch with his sister, so I headed back up for my breakfast — bacon, egg, and cheese bagel with a cup of tea and my iPad for a few moments of quiet. Checked on the kiddos again, turned on the keyboard for my daughter to play, let the pups out in the backyard, then got my daughter a snack of nutella and breadsticks as she helped me with some Christmas decorations. By then it was almost 11, so we got dressed, and headed to a paint-your-own-pottery place in town to make some art and meet a friend/client of mine and her family for lunch!

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