P52: Week 3 — Guilty Pleasures

Honestly, I had a hard time with this prompt! I asked Doyce, some friends, and had to do some real soul searching to think of what I consider my guilty pleasures. Which isn’t to say I don’t enjoy sweets and candy, my (necessary) cup of tea in the morning, or that ever present glass of Coke Zero. Or that I don’t adore cheesy sports movies, devour YA novels, swoon over superhero tv shows, or still keep a shelf full of Buffy the Vampire Slayer tie-in novels, scripts, action figures, and a stake. I do. I just don’t feel guilty about it!

But where I have to admit to a sheepish feeling is each time that I bring a new purse, camera bag, wristlet, tote, or cross-body handbag into my closet. For buying them? Sure. For loving them? Heck no! I only wish I had more occasions to switch them out and enjoy them.

(I used to be obsessed with shoes, but I think I’ve matured!)

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