P52: Week 26 — A Day in the Life

I love this prompt!! I picked Friday for my Day in the Life, since I had big plans for ComicCon. The day started with Doyce feeding the lizards, then a rare opportunity to get Zoe out of bed (usually she gets us up!), then breakfast for almost everyone (including the hounds). After that, Sean jumped back into our bed for a cuddle and playtime with his sister, and once they were off to camp and Daddy to work, I had my own breakfast, and got ready to go to ComicCon. I didn’t get as many photos there as I would have liked, then headed home, where Grandma and Grandpa had arrived to visit, so we enjoyed dinner and playtime on the back deck, then an impromptu music show in the front room before stories and bedtime, and late night conversations.

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