My #EverydayCarry, aka #Mompurse

Inspired by my friend Yi Shun’s rant about the manly nature of the #EverydayCarry hashtag, I decided to dump my purse out on the table and (neatly) detail what I carry around with me on a daily basis. Today’s bag:

I bought it via a targeted ad on Instagram, because yes, I am that person. Available here.

Inside, and in the very many various pockets, includes the following:

What you’re seeing, roughly left to right, top to bottom: foxy pouch (more on that in a minute), half-eaten bag of Maltesers from a recent trip to the movies, spare lollipops for the kiddos, striped rock, hair elastic, Zoe’s sunglasses, my wallet, my sunglasses and case, pack of tissues, some garbage to throw out from the Corn Maze this weekend, iPhone/iPod charge cord, Kindle, spider ring (from Sean’s visit to the dentist on Monday), sticker (from Zoe’s visit to the dentist), post office receipt, KT Photography business cards in neat handmade little leather sleeve, silver Sharpie, four-color pen, and my keys, including various IDs for the Y and the HRCA, and membership cards to scan at stores and such.

The personal necessities all live in my little foxy pouch (from Thirty-0ne, via my sister-in-law Bonnie). Laid out for easy viewing:

This is where things get crazy! Antibacterial hand gel, cough drops, Advil & Tylenol, hair clip, eyeliner, two different cords to use with headphones or a sound system and my iDevices, anti-friction stick, several more hair elastics, mint, kids’ Tylenol, sewing kit, five different kinds of lipstick, -gloss, or -pencil, tweezers, contact lenses, emery board, toothbrush and toothpaste, two more Sharpies & various pens, two bundles of crayons, AAA batteries, bandaids in three different sizes, hand wipes & eye wipes, paper clips & safety pins, tiny green rubber band (from Kaylee’s Rainbow Loom, maybe?), two cleaning cloths for electronics or glasses, and the case itself.

Whew! No wonder my bag is so heavy!

What’s in your #mompurse?

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One Thought to “My #EverydayCarry, aka #Mompurse”

  1. Not pictured: cellphone.

    Also: THAT’S where the silver sharpie went!

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