P52: Week 1 — This Is Me

Here we go again! I’ve got a personal goal to do at least monthly self-portraits as part of my P52, but this is the first official one, and served as our introductions on the CM forums. I wrote:

I’m a (mostly) hobbyist photographer, literary agent, Nia Black Belt teacher, wife, and mom to three kids, two dogs, and reluctantly, two bearded dragons. This is my 5th P52, and while I tried a P365 or two, I always petered out. Let’s see, what else? My signature color is purple, I know the lyrics to way too many Broadway shows, and yes, I’ve seen Hamilton, and I’m going again in March. I love cosplay, both to photograph and to participate in, and am a full-fledged Whedon-verse nerd, having named my kids and one of my dogs after characters from the tv show Firefly. I also have a Firefly quote tattooed on my arm. I believe that Han shot first, Buffy/Angel is the perfect ship (though Spike is on my laminated list of gimmes), Sarah totally got her memory back at the end of Chuck, “the City” will always refer to New York City, and that you should never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.

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