P52: Week 17 — Shoot the Uninspiring

This was a challenging assignment this week, to shoot an uninspiring subject & somehow (in your own special way) make it an intriguing image. I pulled my camera out several times, but I didn’t feel the shots — of a teachers’ protest rally, or my kids making s’mores in the backyard — qualified as uninspiring, since I was pretty inspired by them! Finally, I hit on this. My kids’ desks are absolutely covered with clutter: books, toys, drawings, random hair ties, stuffies, etc. It’s not just uninspiring, it’s down right rage-inducing! So instead of cleaning up after them, I shot their messes. This is Kaylee’s desk. I don’t know if this counts as a “flat lay” per se, since it’s not exactly flat, but I did shoot from straight above for that feeling.

And, for comparison’s sake, here’s Zoe’s:

And Sean’s:

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