2019 P52: Week 17 — Life Cycles

This was one of my weeks, so here’s what I wrote for the prompt:

My prompts this year will likely aim more towards focusing on subjects, rather than techniques. This week, in the aftermath of Easter and what that holiday means for many in terms of rebirth and the coming of Spring, I’d love you to look around you and photograph some part of a life cycle — whether that means something in nature, like new Spring flowers or dying plants, fuzzy baby animals or your sweet old dog, or a more human reflection of the cycle of life. Baby toes, age spots, cradles and coffins. Whatever speaks to you.

We’d been planning a big backyard renovation, and after waiting to hear when things would kick off for a few weeks, I got a call one morning that they were going to start that day! I wanted to try to save what bulbs I could to hopefully replant after we’re done, so I was out with my spade and gloves salvaging what I could. I love how this image shows both ends of the cycle — the hidden bulb and the wilting flower that springs from it annually.

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