2019 P52: Week 44 — Masks

It’s a cold, snowy day in Colorado, but despite worrying about possible school closing and weather related cancellations, I’m so excited for Halloween! I’ll admit, I’ve been posting a Halloween photo every day this month on my Instagram, because this is too great a holiday to celebrate for only a day.

But I know not everyone gets as excited about the holiday as we do, so I’m putting the prompt up to a little interpretation. For some, “masks” may call to mind Halloween costumes, full face masks, or those adorable little half-masks. Maybe the mask is just painted on.

Or maybe your mask is the thing we do that hides what we’d rather be doing: putting on a brave face and showing up somewhere when we’d rather be home in bed, smiling through gritted teeth as a coworker makes an obnoxious comment, ignoring a social media post when all you want to do to correct them.

We all wear masks sometimes.

Assignment: Show me the masks you wear! Whether it’s holiday-specific or introspective.

I shot my son’s classroom Halloween party, and loved this image of one of his friends, which also gave me another example of a type of mask – a helmet’s face mask, for protection. As a Coloradoan, I’m now officially required to sign off, “Go Broncos!”

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