
Third Wheel

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Arm Candy

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Christmas in Kansas

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Three complete and downloadable DC fanfics from Sorrowful and Immaculate Hearts, which are mostly about Batman, but which also feature:

  • Lois Lane’s infinite rage
  • Pistachio Dan
  • Models playing Street Fighter
  • The birds and the bees and the iguanas
  • Jonathan Kent: Weed Grandpa
  • Trapeze leg
  • Wonder Woman’s Christmas sweater
  • Mingus McGillicuddy’s love of industrial processing

Third Wheel is about the first time Superman meets Batman; Arm Candy is about Bruce Wayne’s relationship to models; Christmas in Kansas is about Batman and Wonder Woman going to Superman’s house for Christmas. If any of those sound good to you, consider giving them a look and letting me know what you think~ ?

I love these stories. If you like the DC superheroes, check them out! Adult content.

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