P52: Week 11 — Negative Space

This week’s assignment on the CM P52 was to play with the photographic technique of negative space in composition. I learned so much from the assignment, I just want to copy the description here for future reference:

Take a look at any request for Constructive Criticism (CC) on CM and you may very well find comments regarding things growing out of heads, etc. These are references to the negative space in an image.

In photography we (the photographer) often spend so much time focusing on the subject itself (after all, we have to account for position, exposure, focus, etc.), that we can completely disregard the surrounding area. But, the area surrounding the subject (also known as “negative space”) is equally as important. In fact, it can make or break your image. […] Negative space often adds interest as it can place a stronger emphasis on the subject and can evoke emotions completely different than that of a frame that’s filled with the main subject.

Once I started looking for negative space, I saw it everywhere. In Sean’s Pi Day picture:
Sean's Pi Day Picture -- 3/14/15 9:26

In Zoe crawling through a tunnel at the playground:
Zoe in the tunnel

Even in this shot of another parent taking a pic of the students performing at SVA’s 4th grade music program:
Another parent snaps a shot of the students

But ultimately, my favorite negative space image was a dramatic one this week, taken with my Lensbaby Spark through a foothold at the playground of my boy climbing a wall:

P52: Week 11 -- Negative Space

I missed out on the blog circle this week, but you can dive in anyway!

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