The Mystery Reader!

I’ve been having fun the last few weeks going into Zoe’s preschool classroom and reading to the class. I thought it’d be fun to share what I read each week (or however often I end up doing it), to have a record to look back on at the end of the year!

The first time I went in was the week author and illustrator Anna Dewdney had passed away, so I read a selection of Llama, Llama books, including Llama Llama Red Pajama,  Llama Llama Misses Mama, Llama Llama Mad at Mama, and Llama Llama Time to Share. (All links go to Amazon Smile, where every purchase benefits Kaylee and Zoe’s school.)

This week, they’ve been doing a unit on farms, so we read Barnyard Dance, Duck on a Bike, and Book! Book! Book! I wanted to read Click Clack Moo, too, but I didn’t have a copy on hand, and the librarian wasn’t in to ask to borrow hers.

Next week, I’m already thinking of more books for the continuing theme of the farm, plus a little dip into the city. Looks like a trip to the library is in store!

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